
Student services and support programs


School and Community Programs

Disability information groups:

Autism Queensland is a community based, not-for-profit, Incorporated Association dedicated to bringing about positive change in the lives of people with Autism and their families.  They provide a comprehensive range of specialised services and support for people of all ages living with Autism and their families throughout Queensland. 

Carers provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness or who are frail. More than one in eight Australians provide care of this kind. The purpose of Carers Queensland is to improve the lives of carers. They provide important services like counselling, advice, advocacy, education and training. They also promote the recognition of carers to governments, businesses and the public.


Centrelink assists people to become self-sufficient and supports those in need.

Cerebral Palsy League (CPL) was formed in 1948 by a group of concerned parents to provide services that were not otherwise available from other community agencies.  Today, CPL is the largest non-government disability services provider for people with a physical disability in Queensland. It currently assists more than 3000 people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, and is supported through fundraising activities, support from the community, the corporate sector and State and Federal Governments.

Are a not for profit community organisation for children with disability and their families. 

Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres are information centres for older people, people with disabilities and those who provide care and services. Centres provide free and confidential information on community aged care, disability and other support services available locally, interstate or anywhere within Australia. 

The Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) provides specialist mental health services for children and young people and assistance to their families or carers. 

DSA is one of Australia's largest and most respected providers of employment and community support services for people with a disability, providing support for more than 2000 people.  They focus on meeting individual needs and achieving positive outcomes.

The Mission of the Down Syndrome Association Queensland Inc. is to support, advocate for and empower Queensland children and adults with Down syndrome, so they can be valued and contributing members of the community, as is their right.

Endeavour Foundation Industries is the largest employer of people with a disability in Australia with over 1,800 supported workers employed at 26 Australian Disability Enterprises throughout Queensland and New South Wales.

LifeTec Australia

LifeTec Queensland is a leading provider of information, consultation, and education on assistive technology that can help individuals improve their quality of life and remain independent.

Life Without Barriers is a not for profit organisation that is committed to providing a supportive and safe environment for: people living with a disability, people living with a mental health issue, children and  young people and other vulnerable persons.

Relationships Australia (QLD) provides relationship support services to individuals, couples and families throughout Queensland.  Their services aim to strengthen and build relationships, resolve relationship breakdown issues and support the best interests of children through family separation.  They also offer a number of specialist counselling services, courses and education programs.  Please see their website for more information on their wide range of services.

Riding for the Disabled Association of Australia (RDAA) is a voluntary, nonprofit organisation which provides opportunities for anyone with a disability to enjoy safe, healthy, stimulating, therapeutic, horse-related activities in Australia.

All Queensland resident children four years of age or older who have not completed Year 10 of secondary school are eligible for publicly funded oral health care via Queensland Health's Child and Adolescent Oral Health Services (previously referred to as the School Dental Program).

Last reviewed 15 June 2020
Last updated 15 June 2020